What We Do

Thrive is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing modern technology and data practices to the child welfare community preventing the trauma and life altering effects of abuse.

Child abuse remains a critical issue, particularly within socially and economically disadvantaged populations. Children within socially vulnerable populations often suffer from inadequate preventative social work, particularly concerning childhood sexual abuse. Thrive aims to change this by utilizing public data to assess risk and prevent child sexual abuse.

Recognizing that many industries focus new data technology and methodologies on consumer markets, Thrive works with industry insiders to leverage these new capabilities to benefit the child welfare community. Thrive engages tech and data subject matter experts to change their focus to adapting modern data science to the prevention of abuse.

Thrive provides analysis to these companies on how to streamline implementation and adjust to a government health and human services environment as well as navigate procurement to deliver effective solutions.

For an example of what Thrive is doing with it’s technology partners WellCheck AI, MarkLogic, and Algemetric please read the below white paper summarizing the approach of our coming software CaseBook Risk Assess.

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